Olive oil as it should be

Our olive oil is an extra virgin olive oil, produced in Olympia in the Peloponnese. It is produced in the most appropriate way to keep all the elements (organoleptic properties) that make olive oil so important to our health. Equipped with knowledge, both theoretical (olive Seminars at the Institute of Agricultural Sciences prof. Ev.Filias, Rural Marketing Seminars) and practical,…

A medicine

“Our food should be our medicine, our medicine should be our food.” Hippocrates Olive oil as an ancient medicine Nutrition as a means of prevention and treatment of diseases, was used, in ancient times, by Galen and other physicians of the school of Hippocrates. To a large extent, their practices resemble to what we now…

Greek Salad

The Greek salad is the most familiar dish in the Mediterranean diet.  It is, perhaps, impossible to find a menu in Greece without the Greek salad on it. The Greek name for it is “choriatiki”, which means the peasant’s salad. INGREDIENTS Tomatoes Cucumbers Feta cheese Bell Pepper Extra Virgin Olive Oil Oregano Salt In a…


Yemista is another “featured” dish of the Mediterranean diet. It means “stuffed”. Tomatoes, peppers and eggplants are stuffed with rice, onion, parsley, spearmint and spices. You may also use minced meat. Usually Yemista is served with baked potatoes, feta cheese and olives. Recipe Cut off the tomato tops (don’t waste them) and scoop out the…